
网络资源 免费考研网/2009-01-16


1. Smith is to study medicine as soon as he ____ military service.

A. will finish

B. has finished

C. finish

D. would finish

2. He was laid _____ for six weeks with we broken ribs.

A. in

B. out

C. up

D. down

3. He _______ to be affected by many things.

A. forced

B. permitted

C. advised

D. tended

4."Did you remember to giver Anne the money you own her.

"Yes, ______ I saw her, I remembered."

A. momentarily

B. while

C. suddenly

D. the instant

4. _______ the formation of the sun, the planets and other stars began with the consideration of an interstellar cloud.

A. It accepted that

B. Accepted that

C. It is accepted that

D. That is accepted

6. He is a man __ no one has a better right to speak.

A. whom

B. to whom

C. than who

D. than whom

7.______ would have known the answer.

A. Clever anyone

B. Anyone clever

C. Anyone is clever

D. Clever is anyone

8. Why are you still smoking? You _______.

A. should have given up it

B. should have given it up

C. ought to have given up it

D. should given it up

9. No visitor or relative can enter the patient's room unless _____ by the doctor.

A. they are invited

B. he is invited

C. invited

D. been invited

10. The sick _______and the lost _____.

A. have cured; have found

B. has cured; has found

C. have been cured; have been found

D.has been cured; has been found


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