
网络资源 免费考研网/2009-01-16

  Cutlery and crockery(are supplied whether you have meals provided or prepare your own.

25. The price of a night’s accommodation

A. Is related to the kind of building in which members stay.

B. Varies according to the region.

C. Is the same in all hostels.

D. Depends on standards of convenience and comfort.

26. People spending a night in a hostel

A. Have to use a sheet sleeping bag.

B. Are provided with a free sheet sleeping bag.

C. Have to bring their own sheet sleeping bag.

D. Must use only a newly washed sheet sleeping bag.

27. Meals in hostels

A. May be available in the evening to those who arrive early enough.

B. Are provided three times a day

C. Have to be booked in advance.

D. Are cooked only for hostellers who arrive before 6 p. m.

28. All hostels provide

A. Plates, knives and forks.

B. Certain kinds of foods in packets.

C. Bread and milk for self-cookers.

D. Tins of beans and of soup.

Questions 29 to 32 are based on the following passage:

  Noting that “an air route without markings(标记) is like a highway without signs,” Phoebe F. Omlie of the National Advisory(顾问) Committee for Aeronautics(航空家) in 1935 conceived(构思) a plan to paint town names and directional indicators on the roofs of buildings throughout the United States.

  At Eleanor Roosevelt’s suggestion, the Bureau of Air commerce hired women fliers, among them Louise Thaden and Blanche Noyes, to scout(侦察) sites and get permission for the markers from local officials and building owners. Workers then painted the signs in orange characters, seven to twelve feet high and legible(可以看得出) from 3,000 feet. The system soon became the answer to a lost pilot’s prayer with 16,000 markers-one every 15 miles on every air route in the country.

29. What is the best title for this passage?

A. Eleanor Roosevelt’s Political Career.

B. Road Markers of the skies

C. How to Mark Signs

D. Women and Flying

30. Where would a marker most likely be found?

A. In an open field

B. In a grove of orange trees

C. On top of a building

D. On a major highway

31. Which of the following words would probably NOT appear on one of the markers described in the passage?

A. North

B. Louisville

C. Parking

D. Southeast

32. Who gave permission for the markers to be painted?

A. Louise Thaden

B. Eleanor Roosevelt

C. Local officials

D. Local pilots


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