任荣荣Charlotte Ren
Charlotte Ren is an Associate Professor of Strategic Management at the Fox School of Business, Temple University. She's also a Senior Fellow at Wharton's Mack Institute for Innovation Management at the University of Pennsylvania. Previously she was on the faculty at Purdue University and the University of Pennsylvania. Charlotte has a Ph.D. in Management and an M.A. in Economics from UCLA, a Bachelor's degree in International Politics and a minor degree in Law from Peking University (China).
Charlotte's research interests focus on two areas, competitive strategy and innovation & entrepreneurship. Charlotte is published in the field's leading academic journals such as Management Science, the Journal of Management, and the Strategic Management Journal. In addition, Charlotte has taught courses at the undergraduate, MBA, and Ph.D. levels on strategy, entrepreneurship, technology and innovation management, and crosssector collaboration.
When Charlotte is not teaching or doing research, she enjoys jogging, traveling, cooking, and re-reading pre-modern Chinese literature and novels of Eileen Chang. Also a social entrepreneur herself, she designed and launched Penn Restorative Entrepreneurship Program, an innovative initiative geared towards helping formerly incarcerated individuals to become socially responsible entrepreneurs.
上外MBA精品课程——Innovation Management
In today's business environment, it is increasingly apparent that business success is driven by a firm's ability to create and capture value through innovations (either technological or non-technological). Thus, the processes used by firms to develop innovations, the choices they make regarding how to commercialize their innovations, the changes they make to their business models to adapt to the dynamic environment, and the strategies they use to position and build a dominate competitive position all are important issues facing the firm.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to achieving the following objectives:
1. Gain an understanding of advanced concepts and frameworks that help in framing and analyzing issues related to innovation management.
2. Practice diagnostic reasoning skills and become adept at applying these concepts to real situations.
3. Develop an appreciation for the nuances, interdependencies and challenges present in many companies as they seek to identify and adopt innovations.
4. Practice communicating, reasoning and judgments related to innovation problems through class participation and group project.
上外MBA精品课程之任荣荣教授与“Innovation Management”
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-01-08
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