本站小编 福瑞考研网/2016-10-09
Simple integration
Receptive skill Productive skill
Oral medium listening Speaking
Written medium Reading writing
A receptive language skill is served as a model for productive skill
Complex integration
A combination of activities involving different skills, linked thematically.
2. Limitations of integrating skills:
Maintaining an appropriate balance between different skills
Integrating four skills can be demanding for teachers: time limited
The problem of design different materials that take into account students’ different skill levels.
3. Implications for teaching:
Focus on discourse:
The way the text is organized
Its layout (for written text)
The style of the language(formal or informal)
The register ( the vocabulary that is commonly found in such discourse)
Adjusting the textbook contents
How much detail we should include in our lesson
We may need to change the content of the textbook
Adjusting the timetable
Unit 15 Assessment in language teaching
1. Differences between testing, assessment and evaluation:
For school and parents: for them to know how exactly students stand among all the students
Often takes the “pencil and paper” form
Usually done at the end of a learning period
For teachers and learners
Collecting of information or evidence of a learner’s learning process and achievements
Not based on a test or one task but in a report form
It is often measured against his/her starting point rather than compared against the skills and abilities of other students.
Teachers can know what has been done and what should be done next
They can know how well they have done and where they have done well and where they need more efforts
For authorities who want to know whether the money they spent or the policy change have had good results
It involves making a global judgment on a whole school’s work
2. Methods for assessment
Summative assessment:
mainly based on testing
usually at the end of a learning period
Formative assessment:
Based on the information collected in the classroom during teaching process
For the purpose of improving teaching and learning
Provide more information to help teachers adjust their teaching according to students need and base teaching on the success or difficulties of students’ learning
3. Besides testing, there are many other alternative ways to gather information:
Teacher’s observation
Continuous assessment
Self-assessment and peer assessment
Project work: a set of tasks designed to explore a certain idea or concept, such as to find out the different school rules in china and in another country.
Portfolios: a purposeful collection of materials assembled over a period of time by a learner. Things that can be included in a portfolio:
Oral performance records
Collection of pictures and art works reflecting students’ learning
Drawings, picture stories……
Performance records
Collection of students’ writings (including drafting)
4. Criteria for assessment:
Advantages Disadvantages
Criteria-referenced Objective standard of ability level Difficult to design especially for classroom teachers
Norm-referenced Maximize the distinction among individuals in a given group Difficult to decide the norms
Individual-referenced Make students to aware of their progress, encourage students Lack of comparison among students
5. Assessment principles:
Assess authentic use of language in reading, writing, speaking and listening
Assess literacy and language in a variety of contexts
Assess the environment, the instruction, and the students.
Assess process as well as products
Analyze the pattern of errors in language and literacy
Base assessment on normal environmental patterns and behavior in language and literacy acquisition
Clarify and use standard when assessing reading, writing and content knowledge.
Involve students and parents as well as other personnel
Make assessment an ongoing part of everyday
6. Drawbacks of tests:
It is often an one-off event which may not necessarily give a fair sample of the learner’s overall proficiency
They are not always valid or reliable
If it is the only basis for crucial evaluation in the learner’s career, it can be extremely stressful
Unit 18 evaluating and adapting textbooks
1. Ad hoc evaluation:
Impressionistic evaluation based on intuitions, experience of classroom use or just first impression.
2. Systematic evaluation:
On-the-page evaluation
It is carried out independent of its users or before it gets into the classroom
In-the-use evaluation
It is done based on user’s opinions i.e. teachers’ as well as learners’, about how useful and effective it is for promoting learning.
External evaluation
Also called macro evaluation, focusing on external features of a textbook.
Claims made by authors
What views of language learning it is based on
The intended audience
The proficient level
The table of content and other details in the textbook to see if they reflects the author’s claim
Internal evaluation
Does it include the presentation and practice of all the skills?
Are the grading and sequencing materials selected the interest or age level of the intended learners?
Are there enough skills and strategy practice?
3. Features of good textbooks:
Attract the students’ curiosity, interest and attention
Help students feel at ease
Help students build confidence
Meet students’ needs
Expose students to language in authentic use
Provide students opportunities to use language to achieve communicative purpose
Textbooks should take into accounts that the positive effects of language usually delayed (learning is a gradual rather than an instantaneous process)
Textbooks should accommodate different attitudinal and motivational background as much as possible
Maximize learning potential by encouraging intellectual, aesthetic and emotional involvement which stimulate both right and left brain.
4. Ways of adapting textbooks:
Deleting or omitting
Rewriting: eg. Rewriting the comprehension questions
Restructuring: refers to the management of activities
Simplification: mainly applied to text, often to reading passage
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四川大学英语语言文学专业美国文化方向 二外日语 现已录取。 今年复试线是365 去年是320 前年是340。今年各大高校复试线上涨尤其是川大,考研人数上升,学校缩招,考研越来越难,竞争很大,不过大家不要担心,沉住气,努力是可以学好的。 不废话我直接进入正题 整体说下复习情况: 在时间规划上要根据每考试科目及个人情 ...考研复试经验 本站小编 免费考研网 2020-02-19