
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25

III. Leaving voice mails and Taking messages
①    Listening.
1. B
send me a copy of your department’s figures
copy noun
1[countable] something that is made to be exactly like another thing 复印件
She forwarded them a copy of her British passport. 她将自己的英国护照复印件交给了他们。
2[countable] one of many books, magazines, records etc that are all exactly the same一份,一张,一本
a copy of the local newspaper 一份当地报纸
The hardback costs £16.99 a copy. 这本精装书一本16.99英镑。
The record sold a million copies. 这盘磁带卖了1百万盘。
Free copies are available on request. 如果要求就可以得到免费的资料。
2. G
trade fair noun [countable]
a large event when several companies show their goods or services in one place, to try to sell them 博览会
ᅳ同义词 trade show
booth (telephone booth), stand
complimentary adjective
1 given free to people(免费)赠送的
There was a complimentary bottle of champagne in the hotel room. 在饭店房间里有一瓶免费的香槟酒。
I've got some complimentary tickets for the theatre tonight. 我得到了今晚剧院的免费票。
2 saying that you admire someone or something 赞扬的,夸奖的
complimentary remarks 奉承话


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