"Awful," "dreary," and "miserable" are adjectives that many people use to describe their jobs at one time or another. Dissatisfaction on the job is common and often temporary. But not many people take time to analyze what makes a job miserable, and how to fix it.
Fortunately Patrick Lencioni has done much of that work in his book "The Three Signs of a Miserable Job."
幸运地是Patrick Lencioni在《工作不快乐的三个表现》一书中对此做了详细阐述。
Job Misery Is Universal 工作不快乐是普遍现象
The author notes that a "miserable" job differs from a "bad" job, as one person’s dream job may not appeal to another worker. A miserable job, however, has some universal traits.
"A miserable job makes a person cynical and frustrated and demoralized when they go home at night," Lencioni says. "It drains them of their energy, their enthusiasm, and self-esteem. Miserable jobs can be found in every industry and at every level."
Lencioni blames much of the problem on managers, who are a key factor in the job satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) of their employees. A recent Yahoo! HotJobs survey points to a similar conclusion: 43% of workers said discontent with their boss was the main reason they planned to look for a new job in 2008.
Lencioni认为这个问题大部分应归咎于管理者。他们是导致员工对工作满意或是不满的关键因素。Yahoo! HotJobs近期的调查得出了一个相似的结论:有43%的员工称对老板不满是促使他们计划在2008年找新工作的主要原因。