184. X,Y两忙挣钱,问 In June,the rate X 挣的钱 to Y挣的钱?
A) X In June挣的钱比Y In May挣的钱多50%
B) Y In June挣的钱比In May挣的钱增长了25%
185. a square 面积为16,T为square 内一点,与底边形成三角形,TA 为高,A 为底边上一点,问TA长?
A) 三角形面积为square 的 1/3
B) 三角形面积与square内剩余面积之比为 1/2 (本题记不确切了)
186. 80 billion Fax 那一题,选 10
187. x,y,z 为consecutive integers, 且x< y< z,问z^2 - x^2 -y^2 不可能为的值
188. given the formula,ask 從50加到100的和?
189. lottery $16 billion, separate as gifts, government payment, and expense, give the relation of payment and gift & the relation of payment and presentation, ask the payment in $ amount
190 . r>1, r * = 1-(1/r) what’s the value of : r * - (r-1)* = 1/r(r-1)
191. 一个三角形x,y,z,分别为三个外角,确定x的度数?
A. x=y
B. x=z Susan’s answer is C
192. 99到301间的偶数的和
方法:99到301间的偶数的和=100到300间的偶数的和,等差数列求和=(A1+An)*N/2=(100+300) * 101/2=20200
193.DS: 两个数列S,T,S 由偶数组成,T由奇数组成,两个数列个数相同,问S的MEDIAN 和T的算術平均值谁大?
(1) S,T 為連續的数
(2) S的算數平均值大于T的
194.a rectangular has area of 15000 square feet, the length is 50 feets than the width, what is the length? A:150
8.abcdefg seven medicine, how many different discriptions that the doctor can give if any three of them are chosen and a and b cannot be taken at the same time together?
195.a 表小時快6 秒那題 my answer was 4 mins