
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

  4. It can be inferred from the passage that, when seeking to appoint new members to a corporation's board, the chair traditionally looked for candidates who
  (A) had legal and governmental experience

  (B) had experience dealing with community affairs

  (C) could work easily with other members of the board

  (D) were already involved in establishing policy for that corporation

  (E) had influential connections outside the business world

  5. According to the passage, which of the following is true about women outside the business world who are currently serving on corporate boards?

  (A) Most do not serve on more than one board.

  (B) A large percentage will eventually work on the staff of corporations.

  (C) Most were already known to the chairs of the board to which they were appointed.

  (D) A larger percentage are from government and law than are from the nonprofit sector.

  (E) Most are less than fifty years old.

  6. The passage suggests that corporations of the past differ from modern corporations in which of the following ways?

  (A) Corporations had greater input on government policies affecting the business community.

  (B) Corporations were less responsive to the financial needs of their employees.

  (C) The ability of a corporation to keep up with changing markets was not a crucial factor in its success.

  (D) A corporation's effectiveness in coping with community needs was less likely to affect its growth and prosperity.

  (E) Corporations were subject to more stringent government regulations.

  7. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

  (A) A problem is described, and then reasons why various proposed solutions succeeded or failed are discussed.

  (B) A problem is described, and then an advantage of resolving it is offered.

  (C) A problem is described, and then reasons for its continuing existence are summarized.
 (D) The historical origins of a problem are described, and then various measures that have successfully resolved it are discussed.

  (E) The causes of a problem are described, and then its effects are discussed.

  8. It can be inferred from the passage that factors making women uniquely valuable members of modern corporate boards would include which of the following?

  Ⅰ. The nature of modern corporations

  Ⅱ. The increased number of women CEO's

  Ⅲ. The careers pursued by women currently available to serve on corporate boards

  (A) Ⅰonly

  (B) Ⅱonly

  (C) Ⅲ only

  (D) Ⅰand Ⅲ only

  (E) Ⅰ,Ⅱ, and Ⅲ


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