

22 The capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo's population on the eve of the First World War was 51,919.
(A) Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo's population
(B) Bosnia-Herzegovina is Sarajevo, whose population
(C) Bosnia-Herzegovina is Sarajevo, with a population
(D) Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo having a population that
(E) Bosnia-Herzegovina, the population of Sarajevo

23 The growing demand for housing, traffic congestion, and longer commuting trips has all but
eliminated the cost advantage of owning a house in many rural communities.
(A) The growing demand for housing, traffic congestion, and longer commuting trips has
(B) Traffic congestion, the growing demand for housing, and longer commuting trips has
(C) Longer commuting trips, traffic congestion, and the growing demand for housing has
(D) Traffic congestion, longer commuting trips, and the growing demand for housing have
(E) The growing demand for housing, as well as traffic congestion and longer commuting trips, have

24 The investor who is uncertain about the future is more likely to put money into blue-chip stocks or treasury bills than into gold.
(A) than into
(B) than they do
(C) than they are
(D) as into
(E) as


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