

  3. It can be inferred from the passage that the individualist feminist tradition denies the validity of which of the following causal statements?

  (A) A division of labor in a social group can result in increased efficiency with regard to the performance of group tasks.

  (B) A division of labor in a social group causes inequities in the distribution of opportunities and benefits among group members.

  (C) A division of labor on the basis of gender in a social group is necessitated by the existence of sex-linked biological differences between male and female members of the group.

  (D) Culturally determined distinctions based on gender in a social group foster the existence of differing attitudes  and opinions among group members.

  (E) Educational programs aimed at reducing inequalities based on gender among members of a social group can result in a sense of greater well-being for all members of the group.

  4. According to the passage, relational feminists and individualist feminists agree that

  (A) individual human rights take precedence over most other social claims

  (B) the gender-based division of labor in society should be eliminated

  (C) laws guaranteeing equal treatment for all citizens regardless of gender should be passed
    (D) a greater degree of social awareness concerning the importance of motherhood would be beneficial to society

  (E) the same educational and economic opportunities should be available to both sexes

  5. According to the author, which of the following was true of feminist thought in Western societies before 1890?

  (A) Individualist feminist arguments were not found in the thought or writing of non-English-speaking feminists.

  (B) Individualist feminism was a strain in feminist thought, but another strain, relational feminism, predominated.

  (C) Relational and individualist approaches were equally prevalent in feminist thought and writing.

  (D) The predominant view among feminists held that the welfare of women was ultimately less important than the welfare of children.

  (E) The predominant view among feminists held that the sexes should receive equal treatment under the law.

  6. The author implies that which of the following was true of most feminist thinkers in England and the United States after 1920?

  (A) They were less concerned with politics than with intellectual issues.

  (B) They began to reach a broader audience and their programs began to be adopted by mainstream political parties.

  (C) They called repeatedly for international cooperation among women's groups to achieve their goals.

  (D) They moderated their initial criticism of the economic systems that characterized their societies.

  (E) They did not attempt to unite the two different feminist approaches in their thought.



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