

  4. The passage suggests that C. Vann Woodward and Thomas Paine were similar in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
 (A) Both had works published in the midst of important historical events.

  (B) Both wrote works that enjoyed widespread popularity.

  (C) Both exhibited an understanding of the relevance of historical evidence to contemporary issues.

  (D) The works of both had a significant effect on events following their publication.

  (E) Both were able to set aside worries about historical anachronism in order to reach and inspire.

  5. The attitude of the author of the passage toward the work of C. Vann Woodward is best described as one of

  (A) respectful regard

  (B) qualified approbation

  (C) implied skepticism

  (D) pointed criticism

  (E) fervent advocacy

  6. Which of the following best describes the new idea expressed by C. Vann Woodward in his University of Virginia lectures in 1954?

  (A) Southern racial segregation was continuous and uniform.

  (B) Black people made considerable progress only after Reconstruction.

  (C) Jim Crow legislation was conventional in nature.

  (D) Jim Crow laws did not go as far in codifying traditional practice as they might have.

  (E) Jim Crow laws did much more than merely reinforce a tradition of segregation.


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