

  5. Which of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph?

  (A) A thesis is presented and supporting examples are provided.

  (B) Opposing views are presented, classified, and then reconciled.

  (C) A fact is stated, and an explanation is advanced and then refuted.

  (D) A theory is proposed, considered, and then amended.

  (E) An opinion is presented, qualified, and then reaffirmed.

  6. It can be inferred from the passage that one problem associated with the production of huge lots of cars is which of the following?
 (A) The need to manufacture flexible machinery and equipment

  (B) The need to store extra components not required for immediate use

  (C) The need for expensive training programs for workers, which emphasize the development of facility in several production jobs.

  (D) The need to alter conventional mass-production processes

  (E) The need to increase the investment per vehicle in order to achieve high productivity levels

  7. Which of the following statements is supported by information stated in the passage?

  (A) Japanese and United States automakers differ in their approach to production processes.

  (B) Japanese automakers have perfected the use of single-function equipment.

  (C) Japanese automakers invest more capital per employee than do United States automakers.

  (D) United States-owned factories abroad have higher production levels than do Japanese owned plants in the United States.

  (E) Japanese automakers have benefited from the cultural heritage of their workers.

  8. With which of the following predictive statement regarding Japanese automakers would the author most likely agree?

  (A) The efficiency levels of the Japanese automakers will decline if they become less flexible in their approach to production

  (B) Japanese automakers productivity levels double during the late 1990's.

  (C) United States automakes will originate net production processes before Japanese automakers do.

  (D) Japanese automakers will hire fewer workers than will United States automakers because each worker is required to perform several jobs.

  (E) Japanese automakers will spend less on equipment repairs than will United States automakers because Japanese equipment can be easily altered.


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