

     The number of women directors appointed to corpo- rate boards in the United States has increased dramati- cally, but the ratio of female to male directors remains low. Although pressure to recruit women directors, (5) unlike that to employ women in the general work force, does not derive from legislation, it is nevertheless real.

  Although small companies were the first to have women directors, large corporations currently have a higher percentage of women on their boards. When the (10) chairs of these large corporations began recruiting women to serve on boards, they initially sought women who were chief executive officers (CEO's) of large corpo- rations. However, such women CEO's are still rare. In addition, the ideal of six CEO's (female or male ) serving (15)  on the board of each of the largest corporations is realiz- able only if every CEO serves on six boards. This raises the specter of director overcommitment and the resultant dilution of contribution. Consequently, the chairs next sought women in business who had the equivalent of (20)  CEO experience. However, since it is only recently that large numbers of women have begun to rise in manage- ment, the chairs began to recruit women of high achieve- ment outside the business world. Many such women are well known for their contributions in government, (25)  education, and the nonprofit sector. The fact that the women from these sectors who were appointed were often acquaintances of the boards' chairs seems quite reasonable: chairs have always considered it important for directors to interact comfortably in the boardroom.

  One organization of women directors is helping busi- ness become more responsive to the changing needs of (50)  society by raising the level of corporate awareness about social issues, such as problems with the economy, government regulation, the aging population, and the environment. This organization also serves as a resource center of information on accomplished women who are (55) potential candidates for corporate boards.
 1. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about achievement of the "ideal" mentioned in line 14?

  (A) It has only recently become a possibility.

  (B) It would be easier to meet if more CEO's were women

  (C) It is very close to being a reality for most corporate boards.

  (D) It might affect the quality of directors' service to corporations.

  (E) It would be more realizable if CEO's had a more extensive range of business experience.

  2. According to the passage, the pressure to appoint women to corporate boards differs from the pressure to employ women in the work force in which of the following ways?

  (A) Corporate boards are under less pressure because they have such a small number of openings.

  (B) Corporate boards have received less pressure from stockholders, consumers, and workers within companies to include women on their boards.

  (C) Corporate boards have received less pressure from the media and the public to include women on their boards.

  (D) Corporations have only recently been pressured to include women on their boards.

  (E) Corporations are not subject to statutory penalty for failing to include women on their boards.

  3. All of the following are examples of issues that the organization described in the last paragraph would be likely to advise corporations on EXCEPT

  (A) long-term inflation

  (B) health and safety regulations

  (C) retirement and pension programs

  (D) the energy shortage

  (E) how to develop new markets


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