

1. Agree that…

2. A fact that

3. Importance of

4. Conclusion of

5. Target at

6. Debate over sth.

7. Pls : a large sum of; quantities of

8. Make it xxx to do sth

9. Make sth sth

10. Look to sth to do sth

11. View … as…

12. Proposal to do ,,,

13. A time when …

14. What are now temperate areas

15. Over a period of a hundred years beginning in 1788 

16. The same time as the civilization

17. The same year as/that xxx is published 

18. Capable of ; ability to do ;capability to do

19. Responsible for

20. Permit sb to do ;permit (no sb) doing

21. Damage to

22. Will continue to

23. Merge with

24. Resistance to

25. Help to do ; be helpful in doing


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