

1、In 1990’s, there are more babies were born by women over thirty years old than under it.
A than under it.
B than were they under it.
C than had been under it
D than were the babies.
E than those were under it.

2、As if to follow the humans requirement in 1992……, the Nobel Prize were awarded to the Germany physicist by ………..
A to follow the humans requirement in 1992
B they were required that… would had been …….by humans

3. A: The law required...., mandated...., allowed, and it granted....(my choice)
B: The law required...., mandated...., allowed, granting....
The other choices are not correct.

4. A: ....possibility of life span to comprise even years (my choice)
B: ...possibility that life span comprises even years
C: ....possibility that even years comprise life span...
Mainly to distinguish between possibility of /than (I think both are OK) and the use of comprise (I think Whole comprises parts)

5. A: Investors know the company’s threats, including among them competition threat and the declining sales for divisions.
B: Investors know the company’s threats, among them competition threat and the decline in sales of division (my choice)

6. A: In an America steeped with romanism, cemeteries were laid out beyond cities.
B: Cemeteries, in America steeped with romanism, were laid beyond cities. (my choice)


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