

1. Being able to predict the strength and the direction of an earthquake could save lives and million of property damage.
B The capability for predicting the strength and the direction of an earthquake would mean that lives are saved
C The ability to predict the strength and the direction of an earthquake would mean that lives are saved
D The ability of predicting the strength and the direction of an earthquake would mean that lives are saved(此选项前面不敢确定,但would后确定)
E The ability for predicting the strength and the direction of an earthquake could save lives
大家选什么A感觉不对,B,C,D意思不对,但E ability for 也感觉不对

2. Unlike the dancing of xxx(一种蜜蜂名字),which communicate to other honeybees of the location of food, XXX(另外一种蜜蜂名字)
A,B,C肯定错,D:xxx,whose dances communicate to other honeybees of the location of food
E: xxx,using their dances in communicating to other honeybees of the location of food.

3.NOT ONLY。。。BUT ALSO。。。(根本不用看懂,结构足以选出)

4. 男女生对于自由选座位的反映,我选GIRLS。。。,WHEREAS BOYS。。。

5.the work of 某人of 什么机构 is tireless,doing...做状语(my key)
sb 很tireless的做什么工作,然后后面是doing

6.38,9题的样子 produce the work (that is better than that of)...划线部分是什么我忘了,我选的是括号中的,这可能是我遇到的最简单的语法,十分怀疑其为测试题

7. ... 好像是什么委员会admonish the Senator,saying he were... in that 这个senator干了什么不该干的事(my key,很不爽,五个选项say后都没that)还有一选项admonish the Senator by saying he doing 什么不该干的事


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