15、一个地方采用某种方式(家庭报警系统)。有人说虽然这个系统好,但总有误报的现象,浪费人力物力,所以为了减少这一现象,有人提出采用对那些误报的家庭FINE.问支持。选项:1)很多城市也用这个系统 2)这个城市以后要更多的使用这系统 3)现在好多家庭都没有花时间好好学习怎样使用。
16、一个国家,花费在priscribed medicine 的per capita 总是增加,政府为了减少,就increase the price ,可是下一年还是在增加。问为什么...
17、Store O sells the same fish but in lower prices than Store U in a neighborhood town (Uptown). Both of these stores buy the fish in same price and quality. But the profit of Store O is higher than that of Store uptown. Therefore, the amount of fish in Store O sold must be higher than that in Store U. Support。
My answer: Because people in the uptown like to buy the fish in the town of their neighborhood.
Other confused choice: The maintenance cost of Store O is lower than store U. (Actually this one weaken the argument.)
18、P:The current salary level is too low to attract the lawyer with high capability. The situation will be more severe because the current policy prohibits them to earn money through giving lecture
C: The current policy will not put severe impact on this situation because few lawyers have opportunities to give lecture to earn money
Ask: Weaken C’s point.
My answer: Most of lawyers invited to give lecture are high capable ones. (大概)
19、大意:The mayor proposes that build power plants, (BF however the target can not be reached), because the new power plants can solute the power problems of the citizens in the near future. But (BF it will not meet the standards ten years later.)
My answer: the first one is conclusion of a proposed plan, the second one provide evidence to evaluate the prospect of the plan.