

闁插秶鍋�985婢堆冾劅閼板啰鐖烘稉鎾茬瑹鐠囨崘绁弬娆忓帳鐠愮懓婀痪鍧楁鐠囷拷閿涳拷閸栨ぞ鍚径褍顒� 濞撳懎宕曟径褍顒� 娑撳﹥鎹f禍銈夆偓姘亣鐎涳拷 婢跺秵妫径褍顒� 濞存瑦鐫欐径褍顒� 閸ヤ粙妲荤粔鎴炲Η婢堆冾劅 娑擃厼娴楃粔鎴濐劅閹垛偓閺堫垰銇囩€涳拷 娑擃厼娴楁禍鐑樼毌婢堆冾劅 閸楁ぞ鍚径褍顒� 閸栨ぞ鍚懜顏嗏敄閼割亜銇夋径褍顒� 閸栨ぞ鍚悶鍡椾紣婢堆冾劅 閸濆牆鐨靛⿰銊ヤ紣娑撴艾銇囩€涳拷 鐟楀灝鐣ㄦ禍銈夆偓姘亣鐎涳拷 閸楁绱戞径褍顒� 閸氬本绁规径褍顒� 濮濓附鐪芥径褍顒� 閸楀簼鑵戠粔鎴炲Η婢堆冾劅 閸栨ぞ鍚敮鍫e瘱婢堆冾劅 娑撴粌宕℃径褍顒� 閸ユ稑绐涙径褍顒� 閸楀簼绗㈢敮鍫e瘱婢堆冾劅 閻㈤潧鐡欑粔鎴炲Η婢堆冾劅 娑擃厼鍖楁径褍顒� 婢垛晜瑙︽径褍顒� 閸橈箓妫径褍顒� 閸楀骸宕¢悶鍡椾紣婢堆冾劅 鐟楀灝瀵冲銉ょ瑹婢堆冾劅 鐏炲彉绗㈡径褍顒� 闁插秴绨℃径褍顒� 娑擃厼宕℃径褍顒� 閸氬鐏勬径褍顒� 閸忔澘绐炴径褍顒� 婢堆嗙箾閻炲棗浼愭径褍顒� 娑擃厼娴楅崘婊€绗熸径褍顒� 娑擃厼娴楀ù閿嬬1婢堆冾劅 娑擃厼銇庡鎴炴婢堆冾劅 濠€鏍у础婢堆冾劅 娑撴粌瀵虫径褍顒� 鐟楀灝瀵抽崘婊勭亜缁夋垶濡ф径褍顒�
74.        In this argument the author predicts a nationwide labor shortage in the near future.
The basis for this prediction is an increasing demand for highly skilled workers,
especially in technical and professional fields, coupled with a slow-growing labor force
and a government proposal to cut funds for aid to education. At first glance, the author's
argument appears to be somewhat convincing: but further reflection reveals that it is
based on some dubious assumptions.
      In the first place the author assumes that the present labor force is immobile and
that the demand "for highly skilled workers will have to be met by workers who are
entering the labor market for the first time. Recent American history, however, shows
that this assumption is entirely unfounded. At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution
most Americans were farm workers, but by the end of that revolution most had become
factory workers. Thus, even though the labor pool remained relatively constant during
this period, the number of farm workers decreased and the number of factory workers
increased. This example clearly demonstrates the mobility of the labor force.
      In the second place, the author assumes that the government proposal to cut funds
for aid to education will have a significant negative impact on the ability to train
workers in technical and professional fields. The fact is, however, that the percentage of
students who rely on government aid for their education is relatively small, so the effect
of such cuts would be negligible.
       In conclusion, this argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument the
author would have to show that the present work force was relatively static and that the
proposed ours i educational aid would have a deleterious effect on the numbers of high
skilled workers available to enter the work force in the future.


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