
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

  Type A:Type A people are conservative and passive, and are concerned with appearances. Although type A people are superficial and have a touch of mental instability, they are very patient and finish what they start.

Noteconservative adj. 保守的 passive adj. 被动的 appearance n. 外貌、外观
superficial adj. 肤浅的 instability n. 不稳定(性)

  Type B:Type B people get along well with others because they are straightforward, and are noted for their creativity. But type B people are also moody and become bored and annoyed easily.

Noteget along well with 与…相处得好 straightforward adj. 坦率的、正直的
noted adj. 著名的 creativity n. 创造力 moody adj. 喜怒无常

  Type O:Type O people are stubborn and impulsive. Their redeeming quality is that they are loyal to their friends.

Notestubborn adj. 顽固的、固执的 impulsive adj. 冲动的 redeeming adj. 补偿的

  Type AB :Type AB people are indecisive and picky. They tend to be demanding and impatient, and they have trouble seeing things through.

Noteindecisive adj. 非决定性的 picky adj. 好挑剔的 demanding adj. 苛求的

  Despite any real evidence to support these ideas, Takeji's theory quickly caught on. By 1930, standard job application forms included a blank for blood type, and today market researchers use it to predict buying habits, and ordinary people use it to choose friends and romantic partners.

Notecatch on 流行 blood type 血型 buying habit 购买习惯


  A型的人保守、被动,在意外表。 A型的人虽然肤浅、精神有点不稳定,但他们很有耐性,而且会坚持把他们开始的工作做完。






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