
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17


  The Scales are happy with a little of all worlds, or are entirely willing to watch whatever is on, just so long as they don't need to go to the video store and make an actual decision. Check out When Harry Met Sally or Sleepless in Seattle for the romantic displays of two people working everything out in the end.



  The intense Scorpion loves a mystery and a challenge. You probably prefer when the viewer needs to figure out for themselves what's going on in the movie. You're likely to check out The Blair Witch Project, Eyes Wide Shut, The Shining, The Game, American Beauty or A Clockwork Orange.



  The Archer craves travel and adventure, even if, for the moment, they can only get it on the screen. Looking to increase your knowledge and expand your horizons, you'll enjoy The English Patient and Seven Years in Tibet, or for a laugh, Crocodile Dundee. Videos that teach you new languages are also a plus.



  Even the busy Goat has time to take a breath and watch a movie. Don't expect that your mind won't stay on business, though. Rent Office Space for a comedy with which you can identify. Either Wall Street or Secret of My Success are on their way to your VCR.



  Weird, futuristic, idealistic and anything different will be occupying the mind of the Water Bearer. Try anything Kubrick, The Matrix or 2001 —— if you haven't already, that is! You'll also want to check out that new foreign or indie flick playing at the art cinema.



  The ever-emotional Fish likes movies of extreme emotion. You'll let your imagination roam and the tears flow while watching films like Beaches, Notting Hill or Terms of Endearment. Your favorites transcend language barriers, so Il Postino and Life is Beautiful are also excellent choices.



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