
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

  Hong Kong Disneyland said Tuesday it will offer ticket

discounts for one month to local residents to thank them for their support, but denied the move was prompted by low attendance at the park, which opened two months ago. "The discount has absolutely no relation to attendance numbers,'' park spokeswoman Ms. Wong said. "We are thanking locals for giving us good support since we opened.'' Starting Tuesday, prices for Hong Kong residents will be

slashed by HK$50 (US$6.40) per ticket - a reduction of about 20 percent. A peak time ticket for an adult will cost HK$300 (US$38.60), instead of HK$350 (US$45). The discount, given to those with a Hong Kong ID card, will last until Dec. 8. Although Hong Kong Disneyland said the discount was unrelated to attendance, the park has repeatedly refused to disclose how many people have been visiting Many local media reports have said that attendance has been disappointing. On Tuesday, Wong said the park has no plans to disclose attendance numbers because they are confidential commercial information. This has angered some lawmakers who argue that the public should be
privy to the information since the Hong Kong government is the biggest investor in the park. The government paid US$2.4 billion for the park's construction, while Disney paid over US$314 million, according to official figures.


香港迪斯尼乐园本周二表示将为香港本地居民提供为期一个月的门票优惠,感谢广大市民对乐园的支持。香港迪斯尼方面否认推出优惠政策是因为在乐园正式对外开放的两个月时间内,游客人数始终低迷。 “门票打折和游客人数完全没有关系,”香港迪斯尼乐园的发言人王女士说。 “我们这样做是为了感谢香港本地游客自乐园开放以来对我们的大力支持。” 从本周二开始,香港居民进入乐园的门票每张将大幅度下调50港币(折合6.4美元),降幅约20%。 高峰时期,一张成人门票由原先的350港币(折合45美元)降为300港币(折合38.6美元)。 此次优惠的对象是持有香港本地身份证的游客,优惠活动将延续至12月8日。 尽管香港迪斯尼方面宣称此次门票优惠与游客数量无关,但乐园方面再三拒绝透露迄今为止的游客数量。 许多当地媒体报道说游客数量令人非常失望。 周二,乐园发言人王女士说乐园方面并没有对外公布游客数的打算,因为这属于商业机密。 这种说法惹恼了一些立法者,他们提出公众对迪斯尼乐园游客数有知情权,因为香港政府是乐园最大的投资者。 官方数据显示,香港政府为建造迪斯尼乐园投资了24亿美元,而迪斯尼公司仅出资3.14亿美元。 


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