
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


Part 1 English into Chinese


International Cooperation Against Transnational Organized Crime

Organized crime groups pose challenges as never before to societies everywhere. Whether involved in drug trafficking, money laundering, people smuggling or outright terrorism they operate in a sophisticated way without regard to national frontiers. The profits of crime are vast. The International Monetary Fund has stated that he aggregate size of money laundering in the world could be somewhere between two and five per cent of the world’s gross domestic product.

Putting a dollar figure on that, it is estimated that money laundering activity could now involve as much as 1.5 trillion US dollars a year, and it seems likely that half of that figure is attributable to the proceeds of drug trafficking.//

Given that profits of this scale can be made, the temptations for people at all levels to get involved are manifest, and we must clearly understand and beak down the vicious cycle that exists between money laundering)and corruption: corruption has to be well funded to, succeed in its object of corrupting public officials and others, and that is being achieved all too often by the use of illicit assets.

The manner in which we respond to this problem is not only a test of our concern for a safer world, but a measure of our determination to create a decent future for coning generations.//

In the wake of the events of 11 September 2001, a war against terrorism is being pursued on various fronts. This includes a direct assault on money laundering, which is now recognized, more so than ever before, as an insidious crime which is all pervasive. It threatens the stability of our societies. It undermines our financial institutions. It challenges our national security.

As a transnational crime, money laundering can only be combated through close cooperation among national authorities efforts by states acting alone to attack the economic power of criminal groups will not succeed if other states do not take complementary action. In the absence of a coordina
ted and effective international framework, all too often non-participating countries offer criminals safe havens for laundering funds.//

And as patterns of crime develop and become mere sophisticated and profitable, we in law enforcement must be adequately resourced, fully trained, and efficiently deployed We must prosecute the organized criminals, size their assets, and disrupt their operations. The fight against money laundering will be a protracted and complex process, and we must be prepaid to play a long game. Our societies expect no less of us.

For when we fight money laundering, we fight organized crime. When we fight money laundering, we keep drugs out playgrounds and away from our kids. We keep weapons out of the hands of terrorists. We protect small business. And we safeguard the human dignity of women and children trafficked into forced labor and prostitution. When we stop criminals from enjoying the of their illicit activity, we serve the cause of freedom and justice. For law enforcement, there is no higher calling.//


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