Ⅱ. Passage TranslationDirections:In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages. You will hear the passage only once. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.
Passage one
I want to thank Mr. Chairman for giving me the opportunity to talk on the environmental issues of today. I am really proud to address this group, as you are at the frontlines of the battle to save the world. Time is not on our side. We need to keep moving forward and we need to move fast. We are at a crucial point in the world's history: our oceans and forests are suffering, species are disappearing, the climate is changing. Around the world, billions of our fellow human beings lack the most basic requirements of health and dignity.
分析:今年以来,类似环保、新能源、高科技这样的话题层出不穷,成为人们日常生活茶余饭后的热点话题,而这种趋势也越来越明显地在最近几年的高口题目当中显现,本次考试也不例外。本段中出现了一系列并列结构,包括海洋和森林正遭到破坏,物种在逐渐消失,气候发生着变化等等现象。由此可见,本段总分应为 7 分,属于比较简单的段落翻译。
Passage two
According to a recent survey on leisure activities, American people spend about 4 hours each day watching TV, 3 hours listening to the radio, and 14 minutes reading magazines. It was also disclosed that over the past five years, people reduce their time reading to 2.1 hours per month, and over one third of all books were bought by customers aged 55 and older. On the other hand, 30% of American survey said they would rather read a book than do anything else, 21% said watching TV is their favorite activity, that's the good news. The bad news is that only 13% selected spending time with family.
近期一项关于休闲活动的调查显示,美国人如今每天花 4 小时看电视, 3 小时听广播, 14 分钟看杂志。过去五年中,人们的读书时间减少到每月 2.1 小时,此外,三分之一的购书者是年龄为 55 岁以上的人。另一方面,有 30 %的美国人表示他们唯一想做的休闲活动就是看书, 21 %的人表示看电视是他们最喜欢的活动,这是好消息。坏消息是只有 13 %的人选择和家人呆在一起。
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11
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