
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11



  该部分(Section 1)为听力测试,分为Part A:Spot Dictation和Part B:Listening Comprehension。Part A and Part B要求考生在30分钟内完成。题目要求如下:

  I.Part A:Spot Dictation

  该部分(Part A)为听写填空题(Spot Dictation)。该部分题材广泛,体裁多样。试题中有20处标号的空缺部分需要考生填写。空缺部分多为2-4个词组成的短语或习惯用语。听写内容播放后有3-5分钟间隙供考生填写。听写文字内容长度为300-400个词。(中级口译为250-350个词)

  Today I’m going to consider very briefly a problem concerned with the competition for land use, that is, whether crops should be used to produce food or should be used to ___(1) and in considering this problem I will look at ___ (2): the historical background to the problem, the economics involved in the competition for land use, some examples, and ___ (3) to a potential problem.

  In considering the historical background we should ___ (4) of the 1970s due to the rapid trend in increasing oil prices. Many countries have looked for ___ (5) to make them independent of other countries’ ___ (6). Examples of alternative energy sources include such things as solar power, the ___ (7), and also the production of biogas. Biogas is methane which is produced from ___ (8).


  1. produce fuel
  2. four main areas
  3. a possible solution
  4. look at the oil crisis
  5. alternative energy sources
  6. fossil fuels 7. harnessing of wind and waves
  8. human and animal waste
  9. conversion of plant material
  10. a large agriculture sector
  11. possibility of using
  12. in the production of alcohol
  13. has fallen dramatically
  14. in the last decade
  15. dependent on
  16. using their sugar
  17. relatively economical
  18. other starchy plants
  19. in tropical countries
  20. corn and sugar beet


  1)考生在快速预览该篇文章后,尤其是在预览主题句后,便对其含义有总体印象,它是关于the competition for land use的短文。与此同时,考生可对部分填空题目作出大致的推断。这样,考生在听的同时,将预测信息与听到信息有机结合起来,便可作出正确判断。若遇同音词可以根据语义和语法规则进行判断。最后,若有个别词或短语尚未听懂,考生可根据文章上下文的连贯性和平行性(coherence and parallel),语义的(semantic)一致性(consistency),以及语法规则(grammatical rule)的准确性(accuracy)来猜词悟意,直至篇章完善。

  2)预测信息,猜词悟意。考生在对文章有了总体印象后,可在脑海中预测一些信息,同时可根据上下文的连贯性猜词悟意。,如“Today I’m going to consider very brieflv a problem concerned with the competition for land use;that is,whether crops should be used to produce food or should be used to ___ (1)..”由句中“whether crops should be used to produce food’’,考生便可猜出(1)这一空格会出现平行的“produce"一词。当考生听音时会有的放矢,很容易就会听出这一信息"produce fuel"。万一考生在听音时没有听清“fuel’’一词,考生可根据下文关于能源的内容,进行猜测。

  3)遵循语法,完善句子。当考生对一些音素可能听得不很清楚时,如“...and in considering this problem I will look at___(2):”句中的第(2)空格"four main areas"究竟是“for"还是“four”,可根据语法知识和语义内容作出正确判断。该句的下半句“...the historical background to the problem,the economics involved in the competition for land US,some examples,and__(3)to a potential problem.”正好反映了4个主要方面,因此该词应该是“four"。若出现如单词是否加s,加ing之类的情况,考生没听清楚,此时,可根据语法的准确性来作出判断。例如“In addition to sugar there are __ (18)that can be used to make alcohol,...”。句中出现了"there are",后面的名词肯定是复数形式,那么就不会是“plant"而是“plants"指各种各样的植物。再如,“Examples of alternative energy sources include such things as solar power,the ___ (7),...”,在第(7)空格前是定冠词,那么要添的空白肯定应该是名词,但“harness"一词虽可作名词用,但作名词时作“马具,系在身上的绳子,甲胄”解,没有“利用(河流、瀑布、风浪等)产生动力”的意思,所以在此应该用动名词的形式“harnessing’’,整个空为“harnessing of wind and waves"。

  另外,道正认为,考生应对填空词汇的种类特征进行研究,这一部分经研究共有27种类型,请考生可参考道正学校自编《口译证书Spot Dictation》教材。



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