
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  Ten thousand years are too long,

  Seize the day, seize the hour!

  The Four Seas are rising, clouds and water raging,

  The Five Continents are rocking, wind and thunder roaring.

  Our force is irresistible,

  Away with all pests!




  Judged by the commercial consideration, the single standard, everything in the city proper was squeezed for its maximum commercial value. Old streets or ancient buildings, once judged lack of historic value, can count their days of being demolished. Believing in the “great significance of a reasonable layout of the city proper”, the residents used to live in the city center respond to move out to the new buildings in the suburbs. Screened and divided by their economical status, they end up with living with those similar to them economically, thus losing the possibility of coming across the differences necessary for the birth of new and better ideas.


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