
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11



  Mobile phone ownership in Asia has surged despite the regional financial crisis, which dampened consumption.


  We should all embrace the principle that development is the absolute truth.


  We should always keep in mind the principle that theory must be integrated with practice.

  4. 今后五到十年,是中国经济和社会发展的重要时期,也是我国改革的攻坚阶段。

  The coming five to ten years will be an important period for China's economic and social development and also a crucial period for its reform.

  5. 参加上海全球财富论坛的代表一致看好中国市场。

  Participants in the Shanghai Fortune Global Forum agree that China's economy has great potential/holds great promise.




  In such big cities as Beijing and Shanghai, more and more people are ready to pay for the psychological test in an effort to exam “a real self” in a more rational and scientific way under the guidance of the experts. It is reported in Beijing Youth Daily that people even stand in a long line in a large-scale consultation. That is no doubt a good testimony to the following two facts. First, the Chinese people come to take a proper attitude to the psychological consultation. Secondly, the people now in the modern times are suffering so much of the pressure from the advance of civilization that they can not deal with the situation by themselves and have to ask for help from the experts.


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