
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11


  Part A
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal……and stop it at the singal……You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let's begin Part A with the first passage.
Passage 1:
Canadians have a strong and increasing involvement in a wide range of cultural activities throughout the country. The performing arts are well established, with professional and amateur companies active in music, drama and dance. Canadian writing and painting have achieved growing international recognition in recent years. The educational system in Canada strongly encourages music, drama and the visual arts at all levels.//
has a comprehensive social security system for the aged, disabled, sick and unemployed. The federal and provincial health-care services, mostly supported by the government, are available to all Canadians. Public hospital treatment, prenatal and maternity service, and many medicines are government subsidized, as is dental treatment for children.
Passage 2 :
Distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of New Zealand, I take the pleasure in welcoming you to the cultural, administrative, economic and financial center of New Zealand. I would like to extend my warmest greeting to all of you, delegates and representatives of international organizations involved in environmental protection, upon the opening of the Second Informal Meeting of the Environment Ministers.//
  Environmental protection is very crucial. It is the priority of the government's agenda, In this sense, the Government of New Zealand has increased budget allocations for environmental management and provided opportunity to the Ministry of Environment to mobilize international support for the sector. Only during the last four years, government's budget for environmental protection has more than tripled.

  Part A
  Passage 1:
  Passage 2:
  Part B
  Passage 1:
  As a matter of fact, environmental protection needs everybody's and every enterprise's efforts. Therefore, we hold that, we should raise the awareness of the general public to protect our environment. If every person has persistently tried his / her best in preserving the environment, then there will be no severe issues in environment protection. //
  Meanwhile, I understand that the protection of the environment needs large amounts of money, and also the courage to take risks. Take my company as an example, we have already spent more than 10 million yuan in the field of preserving the environment. However, we have not yet received any economic returns from it. So we have to explain to our stockholders why (what are the reasons for our doing so) we are doing so.
  Passages 2:
  The United States is one of the most developed countries in the world, with its per capita gross domestic product close to US $30,000 while China is a developing country with its per capita gross domestic product less than US $700. That's why the social systems, ideologies and cultural backgrounds of the two countries are different, and the same is true with the paths and ways in realizing human rights and basic freedom.//
  It is not surprising that there exist disagreements in views towards some issues. What China emphasizes first and foremost is the right to survive and develop. Meanwhile, we strengthen the building of democracy and legal system so as to protect the people's economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights. And we have made much progress in all these respects since China adopted reform and open-door policies.


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