网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11
论文答辩 (thesis) oral defense 来源:考试大
裸机bare mobile phone
马拉松式竞选活动 campaignathon
马路菜场入室工程 the project to build indoor free market to accommodate street vegetable vendors
马太效应 the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's accomplishments and reputation tend to snowball, and those with meager accomplishments have greater difficulty achieving accomplishments. )
买一送一 two-for-one offer, buy one get one free
满意度 degree of satisfaction
盲流和倒流人员 transient from the countryside
冒充包装(销售)[指将劣质商品包装成外观像名优产品出售的做法] copycat packaging
帽子戏法 hat trick
每逢佳节倍思亲 On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away./ It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most.
美声唱法 bel canto
美食节 gourmet festival
门户网站 portals 来源:考试大
门前三包 be responsible for general sanitation, green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building
朦胧诗 misty poetry
蒙古包 (Mongolian) yurt 来源:考试大
蒙古大夫 quack 来源:考试大
孟子 Mencius
民办教师 teachers in rural schools who do not receive the normal remuneration from the government
民工潮 farmers' frenzied hunt for work in cities
民进党 Democratic Progressive Party
民主党派、工商联与无党派人士 non-Communist parties, federations of industry and commerce, personages with