
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

    [要求]Study the following essay carefully and write a summary in about 80 words.

  China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), the nation's largest reactor builder, intends to use its own technology to build two 650-megawatt reactors and two 1,000-megawatt reactors at its Qinshan plant, which will more than double its generation capacity.

  Upon completion of both projects, the installed capacity of the Qinshan nuclear power plant will be set to rise to 6,200 megawatts from the current 2,900 megawatts generated by five running reactors, a CNNC news centre official said.

  Total investment for the planned expansion projects is expected to reach US$4.33 billion, based on construction costs provided by CNNC.

  For the two 650-megawatt reactors, it will cost US$1,330 for each kilowatt of added capacity. The 1,000-megawatt reactors are US$30 less for each kilowatt to build because of the technology that the two gigawatt reactors will use, said company sources.

  The two 650-megawatt reactors have already won final central government approval, and will be installed at the second phase project of the Qinshan plant in Zhejiang Province, which has already been operating two Chinese-designed 600-megawatt reactors, using technology known as the China Nuclear Power (CNP) 600, its own technology.

  “Infrastructure for the two reactors is scheduled to commence construction next March, and the expansion project is expected to last at least five or six years,” Li said.

  The remaining two planned 1-gigawatt reactors will go to Fangjiashan, 650 metres away from the Qinshan phase I project, which already has one 300-megawatt reactor in operation.



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