
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

Our usual walk was to or from the subway, which was how he got to work. He went to work sick, and despite nasty weather. He almost never missed a day, and would make it to the office even if others could not. A matter of pride. He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able. And at how he did it -- without bitterness or complaint . 每当我为一些琐事而抱怨时,为别人的好运而妒忌时,为我自己缺乏"善心"时,我就会想起我的父亲。

nasty adj. 令人不愉快的;bitterness n. 痛苦


答案:I think of my father when I complain about trifles, when I am envious of another's good fortune, when I don't have a "good heart".
本句节选自《A Good Heart to Lean on》

1. Whenever I complain about the trifle, envy other's luck, lose my kindness, I'll think about my father.
2. Every time when i complain for trivial things, for my envying of other's luck, and for my lack of "kindess", i will remind of my father.


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