
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

He left and I tried to get on with my life. I filled the kettle and put it on to boil, I took out my old red mug and filled it with coffee watching as each coffee granule slipped in to the bone china. That was what my life had been like, endless omissions of coffee granules, somehow never managing to make that cup of coffee. 迈克的离去是那样突如其来,并且无可挽回的结局。

granule n. 颗粒; omission n. 冗长(这里比喻咖啡粒不断的下落)


答案:That's what Mike's leaving had been like, sudden and with an awful finality.
本句节选自《A Little Piece of Me》

1. The leaving of Mike is sudden to me, and it can not be changed.
2. Mike's departure was so abrupt that it caused the severe the results.
3. It is too precipitate that michael had left and impossible to get back.


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