
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

So, I advice them as to what industries will be important when they get out of college; what military service they should look into, in order to achieve what they think they want to achieve. Sometimes just to tell these young men and women that life is a wonderful thing 他们将长大成人,身处人生的这个阶段是很幸运的。


答案:they are fortunate to be in a stage of their lives where they are about to become adults.
本句节选自《A Word on Advice》

本期想要总结的只有一点就是关于处在某一阶段,可以说成 be in a stage of
我记得在一次练习的时候还翻译过一个句子,是说走上讲台,当时也是用的stage这个单词,所以大家要多体会native speaker的说法。


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