
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

It took me a long time and a lot of hard work but I finally returned to the University of Texas in the fall of 1983 -- a year and a half after almost dying. The next few years were very difficult for me, but I truly believe that in order to see beauty in life you have to experience some unpleasantness. Maybe I have experienced too much unpleasantness, 但我有一个信念——充实地过每一天,尽力做到最好。


Texas n. 得克萨斯(美国州名) ; unpleasantness n. 不幸


答案:but I believe in living each day to the fullest, and doing the very best I can.
本句节选自《My Miraculous Life》

2.充实地过第一天,有些沪友用fully enjoy every day,表达的比较好。
2.do the very best——尽最大努力,这是一种表达很常用。




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