卡丁车 kart
开标 bid opening
开创具有中国特色的社会主义建设新局面 create a new situation in building socialism with Chinese characteristics
开发公司 development company
开发式扶贫 development-oriented poverty relief
开发一代,储存一代,预研一代 (产品) to develop this generation of products while researching on the next generation of products
开放式基金 open-ended fund
开工不足 enterprises running under their production capacity
开工典礼 commencement ceremony
开后门 under-the-counter deals; offer advantages to one's friends or relatives by underhand means
开门红to begin well,to make a good start
开题报告 opening speech; opening report
开拓创新 work heard through innovations in a pioneering spirit
开小灶 give special favor
开夜车 burn the midnight oil; work over night
开展扶贫帮困活动 carry out activities to help the poor and needy
开展联合办学、短期培训、防病治病、转让科技成就 by way of jointly running schools, sponsoring short-term training courses, offering diseases prevention and treatment assistance, and transferring achievements of scientific and technological research
坎儿井 karez
侃价 bargain
看跌/看涨期权 put / call option
看守政府,看守内阁,过渡政府 caretaker cabinet
康乃馨 carnation
抗美援朝战争 War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea
抗震棚 quake-proof shelter
考研 take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools
考研热 the craze for graduate school
烤烟型卷烟 Virginian-type cigarette
科技成果 scientific research achievements
科技成果产业化进程加快 translation of research results into productive forces was accelerated
科技成果转让 transfer of scientific and technological achievements
科技成果转让合同 contract for the transfer of scientific achievements
科技创新能力 hi-tech innovation capacity
科技扶贫 support the poor areas with technology
科技攻关 tackle hard-nut problems in science and technology/tackle hard-nut problems on the strength of science and technology
科技和人才的竞争 competition in science and technology and in recruiting talented people (or in tapping human resources)
科技进步日新月异,综合国力竞争日趋激烈 Science and technology are advancing rapidly; competition in overall national strength is becoming increasingly fierce.
科技练兵 military training featuring new technologies.
科技强军 strengthen the army by relying on science and technology
科技人员合理流动 rational flow of scientific and technical personnel
科技是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.
科技体制 system of science and technology/science and technology system/structure of science and technology
科技先导型企业 pace-setting technologically advanced enterprises
科技信息网络化平台 an information network platform
科技兴国 rejuvenate the country through science and technology
科技咨询活动 scientific and technological consulting service
科教兴国 rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation
科教兴国战略 the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education
科教兴国战略和可持续发展战略 strategies for revitalizing the nation through science and education and sustainable development
科学技术是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.
科研攻关 scientific research and tackle the key research project
可持续的发展 sustainable development
可持续发展 sustainable development
可持续发展战略 sustainable development strategy
可转换债券 convertible bond
刻录机 CD writer; disc-carving machine
课件(教师多媒体教学演示片) courseware
空防合一的体制 Adopt a system of combining aviation with ground-to-air defense forces
空军 The Air Force
空嫂 married stewardess
空头支票 "accommodation note, lip service "
空中小姐 air hostess; air stewardess
恐怖大亨 terrorist mastermind
控股公司 "holding company, controlling company"