口蹄疫 foot-and-mouth disease
口头禅 pet phrase
扣帽子 put a label on
酷毙 extremely cool; the coolest
跨境交付(服务贸易) cross border supply
跨世纪工程 a trans-century project
跨越式发展 great-leap-forward development
快速反应部队 rapid response force
快速立法 fast track
快速突击力量 rapid assault force
快速消费品 fast-moving consumer goods
快讯 news flash; flash
宽带接入 broadband access
宽带网 broadband networks
宽限期 grace period
亏损企业 enterprises running in the red/under deficit
困难职工 the needy
扩大内需,刺激消费 expand domestic demand and consumption
扩大内需的方针,适时采取积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策 by pursuing the principle of stimulating domestic demand and adopting the proactive fiscal policy and the sound monetary policy. ensure a quick expansion and reorganization of the PLA, and expansion of the other forces.
扩容 market expansion
垃圾融资 junk financing
垃圾债券 junk bond
拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth
拉关系 try to curry favor with
拉拉队 cheering squad
拉拉队长 "cheer-leader, rooter king"
拉尼娜现象 La Nina phenomenon
拉选票 seek a vote
啦啦队 cheering squad
来电 fall in love with someone
来电显示电话机 caller ID telephone
来料加工 process materials supplied by clients; accept customers' materials for processing
蓝筹股 blue chips
蓝光光盘 Blue-ray Disc
蓝牙技术 bluetooth
劳动合同制 labor contract system
劳动争议 labor dispute
老少边穷地区 "former revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by minority nationalities, remote and border areas and poverty-stricken areas "
老生常谈,陈词滥调 cut and dried, cliché
老油条 wily old bird; old slicker
老字号 an old and famous shop or enterprise
离退办 office for the affairs of the retired workers
离退休人员基本养老金 basic pensions for retirees
篱笆墙 barriers/ blockage to inter-regional trading
礼尚往来 Courtesy calls for reciprocity.
礼仪小姐 ritual girl
理货公司 tally company
理论联系实际 linking theory with practice
立党之本、执政之基、力量之源 The foundation for building our Party, the cornerstone for its governance and the source of its strength.
立体农业 three-dimensional agriculture
利改税 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery
利好因素 wrinkle
利基 niche
连带责任 joint liability
连续抽烟的人 chain smoker
联产承包责任制 system of contracted responsibility linking remuneration to output; contract system with remuneration linked to output
联合国环境署 UNEP (United Nations Environment Program)
联合国会费 the UN membership dues (fee)
联合国开发计划署 UNDP (United Nations Development Program)
联合国粮农组织 FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation)
联合兼并 conglomeration and merger of enterprises
联合联络小组 joint liaison group
联合投标 syndicated tender
联想集团 Legend Group
廉洁奉公,以正治国 " (of an official) clean and devoted, and govern the state with his own example of uprightness "
廉政、勤政、务实、高效政府 "an honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government "
廉政公署 Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)
廉政建设 construction of a clean and honest administration
廉政建设和反腐败斗争深入开展 the endeavor to build a clean and honest government and combat corruption
练摊 to be a vendor
良性循环 virtuous circle
粮食收购部门 (government's) grain procurement (purchasing) agencies
粮油关系 grain and oil rationing registration