
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25



Premier: As you rightly said, China-India relations have experienced marked improvement and development in recent years.


We appreciate the position and measures taken by the Indian government regarding the "Tibet independence" activities masterminded by the Dalai clique.


The Tibet issue is a sensitive one in China-India relations and I have reached broad agreement with Prime Minister Vajpayee and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on this issue. I hope the Indian government will correctly handle the issue in accordance with the agreement reached between the two countries.


As for the boundary issue, the two sides have laid down the guiding principles and have had several rounds of negotiations.


It is not easy to resolve such a complex issue left from the past and we cannot expect it to be resolved overnight. However, I believe that as long as China and India show sincerity and follow the principles of equality, mutual understanding and mutual accommodation, new progress will be made in the negotiations.


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