
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25


As to your second question, we have reiterated in a very serious manner that as long as the Dalai Lama abandons his independence agenda, recognizes that Tibet is an inalienable part of China's territory and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and stops separatist and sabotage activities, our door for dialogue with him will be wide open. This is what we proposed and this position has remained unchanged. However, what has happened recently has exposed Dalai's hypocrisy. Even so, I would like to use this occasion to reiterate that our original position remains unchanged and we mean what we say. What is important now is what steps Dalai takes.


Let me just ask you a question, there was an appalling incident in Lhasa and there have been attempts to create similar incidents in other places of China, and mob attacked some Chinese diplomatic and consular missions overseas. Do you believe these activities have nothing to do with Dalai? So we should not only listen to what Dalai says but also watch what he does.


CCTV: Mr. Premier, you said just now that a leader should have his eyes on the future. In your government report, you talked about what the government will do in 2008. But your government has a five-year term. So what are China's goals for economic and social development in the next five years? Given the increasing difficulty in conducting macro economic control, how will you ensure the steady growth of the economy while preventing drastic fluctuations?


Premier: I said last year that I'm always prepared for adversities. I believe that concern about adversity will lead to solution. The next five years will be a key period for China to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We will have a lot of opportunities and promises, but at the same time, we also face difficulties and challenges.


It is true that in the report on the work of the government, I only talked about what we will do in 2008, not what we plan to do in the next five years. This is because the new government was not yet formed when I was making the report. And now is the time for me to think about what we need to do in the next five years.


In the next five years, we need to make even greater progress in economic development, raise people's living standards, improve social fairness and equity, and accelerate reform and opening up.


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