
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25


CNN: Premier Wen, you have the biggest and toughest job in the world. I want to ask a question about two issues that begin with the English letter T. One is Tibet. There is turmoil and violence in Tibet. And China is accused of cracking down on peaceful demonstrations there. The Dalai Lama calls it a cultural genocide. In the latest development, some are advocating a boycott of the Olympics. What do you say to these? The other question is Taiwan. You've always said that China will never tolerate independence of Taiwan. Taiwan this weekend will hold elections and referendum. If the Taiwanese voters approve a proposal in the referendum that Taiwan reapply to the United Nations as Taiwan, will you consider that a de facto declaration of independence? And if so, will China go to war to stop that? And now that Chen Shui-bian is stepping down, do you think there is any better prospect for you to sit down with the new president in Taiwan


Premier: The two issues you have raised are both important to China's unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity. First, I would like to address the issue of Tibet.


Recently in Tibet, especially in Lhasa, there has been an incident of beating, smashing up properties, looting and arson. The detailed information about the incident was released yesterday by a leading official of the Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region at a press conference.


In this incident, a small number of violent rioters attacked or even killed innocent people with extreme cruelty.


They smashed up vehicles, public facilities, and burned down private housing, stores and schools.


As a result, public order in Lhasa was gravely disrupted and heavy losses of life and property were inflicted.


There is ample evidence that this incident was premeditated, masterminded, incited and organized by the Dalai clique.


This once again shows that the claims made by the Dalai clique over the years that they seek peaceful dialogue and not independence are nothing but lies.


Their hypocritical lies cannot cover the indisputable facts.


The local government and competent authorities exercised great restraint and took prompt measures in accordance with the Constitution and laws to quell the situation and protect the interests of people of all ethnic groups in Lhasa and in Tibet.


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