
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25

Premier Wen Jiabao Answered Questions at Press Conference


Premier Wen Jiabao first introduced the vice premiers to the Chinese and foreign press.


Premier: The First Session of the Eleventh National People’s Congress was just concluded and a new government was formed at the session. Now I would like to introduce to you the vice premiers who accompany me at this press conference. Sitting on my right is Li Keqiang, the youngest vice premier of this government and also a Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. This is Hui Liangyu, whom I am sure you know well. He was a vice premier of the previous government and is reelected this time. We have two other new vice premiers. They are Zhang Dejiang and Wang Qishan. Both of them served as top local leaders.


Phoenix TV: The previous government encountered two sudden disasters about which the Chinese all over the world were deeply concerned. Five years ago, you, as the newly elected premier, led the fight against the SARS epidemic. People still want to know what was on your mind at the time. Five years later, when the disaster of sleet and snowstorms hit Southern China, people once again saw you at the forefront of the fight against the disaster. What was on your mind this time? What kind of challenges do you expect in the next five years?


Premier: Five years have passed. What one did at the time will be judged by history. History is created and written by the people. A leader should look ahead, he should think about both the present and the future. And I have four goals in mind.


First, we need to ensure fast yet steady development of China’s economy and effectively curb inflation at the same time. To attain this goal, we must resolve problems causing instability, and lack of coordination and unsustainability in economic development.


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