
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06


  美国人对礼貌的概念与中国有所不同。今天,我们就来看看美国人是怎么使用礼貌用语"请(please)"、"对不起(excuse me)"和"谢谢(thank you)"的。

  We say "please pass me the salt" instead of stretching out(延长) our arms to reach for it. So don't forget to say "please" whenever the situation requires(需要) it if you are in the United States. Chinese teachers rarely(很少) say "please sit down" when their students have answered their questions and the traffic police here are also not accustomed to(有……的习惯) using "please" when they are on duty.

  Americans say "excuse me" more often and on more occasions than the Chinese people. We say "Excuse me" when we need to pass in front of someone, to leave a party or the dinner table or when we want to excuse ourselves from company(同伴) or find ourselves late for an appointment(约会) and so on.

  "Thank you" means that you appreciate what someone has done for you, very often very small and most ordinary(平常的) things. So we in the West thank people all day long.


  在餐桌上,我们说"请把盐递给我",而不是自己伸手去拿。(stretching out our arms to reach for it)假如你们去美国,那么,当情况需要时(whenever the situation requires it)可别忘了说"请".中国教师在他们的学生回答问题后很少说(rarely say)"请坐",中国的交通警在他们值勤时(when they are on duty)也不太习惯用"请"这个词。

  美国人说"对不起"的时候要比中国人多得多或更为普遍。(more often and on more occasions)当我们要经过某人的面前、(to pass in front of someone)要离开宴会或餐桌,或者是当我们要离开同伴(when we want to excuse ourselves from company)或约会迟到等等,我们都要说声"对不起".

  "谢谢你"意味着你在某人为你做了什么事后表示谢意,那通常是一件无足轻重和极其普通的事情。(most ordinary things)所以,我们西方人真是从早到晚谢不离口。(thank people all day long)

  appreciate 有“欣赏、感激”的意思,和我们以前接触过的许多表示意愿的词一样,后面接动名词,比如一为远方的好朋友特意跑回来参加聚会,你就可以这样说:

  I really appreciate your coming to the party.



  Birth, marriage and death are the three important occasions in a person's life.

  通常,我们不会单独使用这个词,而是用这样的习惯用法on the occasion of 表示“正值……之际”,比如:

  This was given us as a present on the occasion of our silver wedding.

  词组on occasion表示“有时、偶尔”的意思,比如:

  She visits the city on occasion.

  当然,在on和occasion之间,也可以加些修饰成分,比如文中的on more occasions就是“在许多场合”的意思,而on another occasion就是“那回”。

  Ok,今天的节目就到这里,请大家一定记住occasion的用法,快过年了,许多祝福的话都可以用这个句式on the occasion of“正值……之际”来表达呢,不妨做两句试试看哦!


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