
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

  本课您将学到:hold the title…句型(拥有……的称号),梵蒂冈的经济


  Size is not a criterion(标准、尺度) in our definition(释意) of what constitutes(构成) a country. A country need only be an independent state(政府) with distinct(准确无误的) territorial(领土的) boundaries(分界线), and its own government. This is a true blessing(赐福) for Vatican City, as, weighing in(加入) at a mere(仅仅的) 0.17 miles, it holds the title of being the smallest country in the world.

  Prior(先前) to 1870, however, political control by papal(罗马教皇的) governments in central Italy spanned(延伸到) approximately(大概) 16.000 square miles. In 1870, the Kingdom of Italy, in a shift(转移) of political power, established(建立) Rome as the national capital of Italy, wrested(夺取) political power from the papal governments, and absorbed(吸收) the so-called "Papal States" into its territory(版图). A 1929 Agreement hammered out by the Italian government and the Pope, established Vatican City as a country.

  This pint-size powerhouse of a country primarily(最初) supports itself through contributions(捐献) from Catholics around the world, and through tourism. Safely ensconced(安置) within Vatican City lie some of the worlds' most precious of treasures(财富); the Gardens, St. Peter's Basilica(长方形会堂), and the Vatican Palace, which houses(把……储藏在房内) the Vatican Library, and……the Pope(教皇) himself.


  面积大小不是定义一个国家的标准。(Size is not a criterion in our definition of what constitutes a country.)国家只需要是个独立的国家,(an independent state,)有明确的领土边界,(distinct territorial boundaries)有自己的政府。(its own government)这对梵蒂冈来说可是个大好事!(This is a true blessing for Vatican City)梵蒂冈面积只有0.17平方英里,(weighing in at a mere 0.17 miles)因此它具有世界上最小国家的称号。(it holds the title of being the smallest country in the world)

  1870年以前,(Prior to 1870)意大利中部,教皇统治着政府,(political control by papal governments in central Italy)教皇的政治势力差不多延伸达1,600平方英里。(spanned approximately 16.000 square miles)1870年,在一次政权转移中,(in a shift of political power)意大利王国(the Kingdom of Italy)将罗马定为意大利的国家首都,(established Rome as the national capital of Italy)从教皇政府中夺过政权,(wrested political power from the papal governments)将所谓的罗马“教皇国”列入自己的版图。(absorbed the so-called "Papal States" into its territory)1929年,意大利政府和罗马教皇签署了一项协定,(A 1929 Agreement hammered out by the Italian government and the Pope)将梵蒂冈城建立为国家。(established Vatican City as a country)


  Her so-called friend did not offer any help.

  Hammer out短语,意思是“设计出”,通常有花费了许多时间和精力,才达到要求或期望的意思,比如:

  If we don't hammer out our solution quickly, we'll be in trouble.

  这样一个小不点儿国家(This pint-size powerhouse of a country)却拥有强大的权力。它是靠全世界天主教机构的进贡(supports itself through contributions from Catholics around the world)及旅游业(and through tourism)养活自己的。在梵蒂冈安放的((Safely ensconced within Vatican City))是世界最珍贵的宝藏:(lie some of the worlds' most precious of treasures)古希腊伊壁鸠鲁学派遗址、圣彼得长方形大教堂及梵蒂冈宫殿,(the Vatican Palace)宫殿内有梵蒂冈图书馆(which houses the Vatican Library)以及……教皇本人。(the Pope himself)


  Hold the title…

  Hold经常被理解为“抓住、抱住”的意思,而title在这里可不是指文章的“题目”,而是“头衔、称号”,所以hold the title…连起来就是“保有……的称号”“拥有……的头衔”的意思。我们经常可以在传记或评论性的文章中读到这样的句子:


  He currently holds the title of Boston Pops Laureate Conductor, which he assumed following his retirement in 1993.
  他现在还保有Boston Pops Laureate Conductor的荣誉称号,那是在他93年退休后被授予的。


  With a university education, he holds the title as an engineer.










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