
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

  本课您将学到:It's up to you!(由你做主),be enthralled with“对……着迷”,including句型。


  “Now it's up to you when and how you participate in(参加) mass(弥撒),” the Protestant (新教)youth wing in the German city of Hanover said on their Internet site. “Whether alone, with friends, or on the streetcar(有轨电车). It's your decision!”

  Under the program 1,400 people who signed up(签名注册) in advance(预先) received highlights(主要部分) of the service, including the pastor's greeting, and excerpt(摘录) from the Bible, a prayer and a blessing.


  Not everyone was enthralled(被迷住的) with the idea of virtual(虚拟的) church. Berlin's Protestant Bishop(主教) Wolfgang Huber said an SMS (short message service) service could not replace(取代) the experience of attending mass. “Religious(宗教的) services live on people gathering together in one place,” he told reporter, speaking from a mobile phone.


  德国汉诺威市(in the German city of Hanover)新教青年会(the Protestant youth wing)在他们的网站上说:“你可以选择何时以及怎样参加(participate in)弥撒,无论是独自一人,和朋友一起还是在有轨电车上——一切由你决定!”

  这句话中,前后两出使用了这样的字眼:It's up to you. It's your decision.其实他们的意思一样,都是“由你做主、由你决定”的意思,这样写只不过是为了强调。

  up to有Dependent on(取决于,依赖于)的意思,可由远不止这个,比如:What are you up to?(你在忙什么?),这里up to就表示“忙于”,而且这种忙多指算计别人的忙活,如:He is up to more tricks(他在计划更多的骗局)。此外,up to还可以指“有能力做、应付……”如:It was hard, but she proved up to it.(这很困难,可她还是证明了自己能行。)

  在这个计划当中,1400名预先签约的用户(people who signed up in advance)将会(通过手机)受到仪式的重要部分,包括牧师的问候(pastor's greeting)、摘录的一段《圣经》、(excerpt from the Bible)一篇祷词(a prayer)和一段祝词。(a blessing)

  be enthralled with意思是“对……着迷”,比如:一个小伙子被你女儿的美貌深深吸引,我就可以说That guy is shortly enthralled with your daughter's beauty. 注意文中句首的not,并不是每个人都对这种虚拟教堂感冒。(was enthralled with)柏林的新教主教Wolfgang Huber就认为,短信服务不能取代出席弥撒的体验(the experience of attending mass)。

  Live on是“靠……为生,以……为食”的意思,这里的意思就是“存在的根本,关键”,“宗教活动存在的根本证实聚集一堂的人们。(Religious services live on people gathering together in one place)”他通过一部手机对记者说。




  Under the program 1,400 people who signed up(签名注册) in advance(预先) received highlights(主要部分) of the service, including the pastor's greeting, and excerpt(摘录) from the Bible, a prayer and a blessing.


  Students traveling abroad should also be aware of the dangers of potentially reckless behavior, including careless driving or driving under the influence.在国外驾车的学生们也要提高警惕,杜绝因疏忽大意带来的危险,包括粗心驾驶或酒后驾驶。


  Adobe Photoshop Resources including actions, tips, and more.(Adobe Photoshop Resources为你提供行动、小窍门及更多资讯。)


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