
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06


  1. Above

  (1) The ceiling is above our head. (介词)
  (2) Can you see the dark clouds above. (副词)


  (3) Do you take after your mother? (介词)
  (4) My friend came soon after. (副词)
  (5) After David had left, we returned. (连词)
  (6) The old man grew thinner in after years. (形容词)


  (7) I know better than do it. (副词)
  (8) The committee selected the better candidate of the two. (形容词)
  (9) Is the government determined to better the people's life? (动词)
  (10) The living conditions have changed for the better. (名词)

  4. But

  (11) Ali was intelligent but he seldom worked hard. (连词)
  (12) There is no student in the classroom but John. (介词)
  (13) I don't want any ifs and buts. (名词)


  (14) It turned dark when the sun went down. (副词)
  (15) The boys are running down the road. (介词)
  (16) Tony has been feeling down lately. (形容词)
  (17) Some workers downed tools to protest against ill-treatment. (动词)
  (18) Everyone of us has experienced ups and downs. (名词)

  6. Like

  (19) Don't talk like that. (介词)
  (20) All children like ice-cream very much. (动词)
  (21) I think we are of like mind in this matter. (形容词)
  (22) The artist is marvellous. It is hard to see his like again. (名词)


  (23) The earth goes round the sun. (介词)
  (24) He turned round and fled. (副词)
  (25) The hunting dogs rounded up the boar. (动词)
  (26) Tom did not go to the first round of the talk. (名词)
  (27) A square peg cannot fit in a round hole. (形容词)


  (28) Let's go up the stairs. (介词)
  (29) What are you up? (形容词)
  (30) Food prices have gone up. (副词)
  (31) The shopkeepers have upped their prices by 10%. (动词)
  (32) Hit the ball when it is on the up. (名词)


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