
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06



  “If you want to communicate well, you must learn to think logically, (to) organize your ideas coherently, and (to) express yourself explicitly.



  ① This finely made pen is sturdy and will serve you well every day, whether at work, office or at home.

  这句子中有三个副词短语,但中间那个有偏差,要改为“in the office”才能和“at work”及“at home”搭配。

  ② We are proud of the various changes…… For example, the corporation of universities, the introduction of scholarships for bright students, the revamp in national examinations, and recently allowing bright students to progress according to their ability.


  “……and the permission for bright students to progress according to their ability.”

  ③ It may seem a good idea to try to sell your house. But there are many pitfalls: improper pricing (too high or too low); guessing where to place the ads; showing your house to people who may or may not be interested; and finally, knowing who may or may not be qualified to buy.

  首先,这句里提到四个陷阱,其中三个用动名词形式,另一个却用“形容词+动名词”(improper pricing),有点格格不入,必须稍作调整:pricing too high or too low.此外,这段话有些唆,应该进一步修饰:

  “……setting prices too high or too low; guessing where to place the ads; showing your house to the interest group; and knowing the eligible buyers.”


  ④a. Helen is tall, with big eyes, and has a pleasant face.
   b. Helen is tall, big-eyed and pleasant.

  ⑤a. Betty has long hair and was very graceful.
   b. Betty has both long hair and great grace.
   c. Betty is long-haired as well as graceful.

  ⑥a. Today, a secretary must be very pleasant in appearance and has unusual intelligence.
   b. Today, a secretary must be very pleasant and unusually intelligent.
   c. Today, a secretary must have very pleasant appearance and unusual intelligence.

  ⑦a. Young girls like romantic novels with exciting actions and they keep them thrilling.
   b. Young girls like romantic novels which have exciting actions and which keep them thrilling.



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