
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06




  enjoy, finish, avoid, admit, forget, mind, miss, contemplate, like, dislike, love, regret, start, bear, commence, endure, hate, continue, prefer, begin等。



  1. We all enjoy watching TV.

  2. Anne finished doing her work by 5pm.

  3. Some lazy boys avoid doing their homework properly.

  4. Tom did not admit offending his friend.

  5. Christine has forgotten posting the letter.

  6. Would you mind doing me a favour?

  7. Lily has never missed attending the class.

  8. I often contemplate helping people, where possible.

  9. Young people like listeing to pop songs.

  10. I hate telling lies.

  11. Despite our recent success, we must continue working hard.

  12. Noelle prefers swimming to jogging.

  13. Do you bear being cruel to animals?

  14. Can you commence working immediately after lunch?

  15. Many people cannot endure being disturbed.

  16. Hawkers begin working early in the morning.



  17. Jean likes singing./ Jean likes to sing.

  18. I hate cheating./ I hate to cheat.

  19. Jason began teaching early./ Jason began to teach early.

  20. One must continue surging ahead./ One must continue to surge ahead.

  21. Some people prefer walking to office. / Some people prefer to walk to office.

  有少数几个动词,如“bear, need, want”也和动名词连用,但这里的动名词含被动意,和被动的不定式动词(the passive infinitive)同义。例如:

  22. David's 10-year-old car wants repairing./ David's 10-year-old car wants to be repaired.

  23. Most of the essays need correcting or polishing./ Most of the essays need to be corrected or polished.

  24. Jason's idea is so convincing that it bears repeating./ Jason's idea is so convincing that it bears to be repeated.

  总而言之,以动名词为宾语的动词句型颇有韵味,可以多用。唯一要留意的是,认定主体动词,以免错误的形式出现,如房地产代表下面这段通告中的“to sell”,便犯了动词形式之错,应改为“selling”:

  “If you are contemplating to sell your property, please do not hesitate to call us.”


  “If you are contemplating the sale of your property, please do not hesitate to call us.”


  “If you are contemplating selling your property, please feel free to contact us.”


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