
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06



  “As our children's education is one of our greatest concern, ……”(更正:one of……concerns)。


  “We conduct screening for all tutors and most willing to produce photostated copies of their qualification.”

  首先,qualification应为复数,即:qualifications.其次, photostat的形容词形态不变,或用photostatic也可,但不是 photostated.第三,第二个并列句中的动词不见了;应该是:“ ……and are most willing……”。最后一个错误较严重,就是句子结构不当,以致语义走样。

  原文的“We conduct screening for all tutors”的意思是: “我们代替所有的补习教师进行审查工作”,但是原意应该是:“我们审查过所有的补习教师(看看他们是否……)”。如果是这样的话,那么英文就要改一改:

  “We conduct screening of all tutors(for their suitability, teaching ability……)”。然而,这样的写法,稍嫌罗唆,不够简洁,不如改为:

  “We screen all tutors (for……)”

  可能的话,也可以同时把第二个并列句“are most willing to produce photostat copies of their qualifications”也改为:

  “will produce photostat copies……”


  “We screen all tutors and will produce photostat copies of their qualifications.”



  ① Traffic police helped the country to prevent many problems that caused by motor cars. (改正:……that were caused by motor cars. / ……caused by motor cars.)

  ② A reward offered to her.(改正:A reward was offered to her.)

  ③ Can the illness cured by this type of medicine?( 改正:Can the illness be cured by this type of medicine?)

  ④ Building contractors will now find it easier to apply for work permits for foreign workers from non-traditional sources. The Ministry of Manpower is understood to prepare to consider applications in the service sector, too.(改正: ……The Ministry of Manpower is understood to be prepared to consider applications in the service sector, too.)


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