
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

两期前说到 片语动词的形式和功能。这里要举出片语动词的另一个优点,就是有些片语动词是一语多义的。这现象对学习英语有利,可以把学到的同一个词汇用到不同场合,表达别的意思,一语多用,省时省事,何乐不为?


  (一)Break up

  (1) The farmer broke up some disused boxes for firewood. (敲破)
  (2) The police will come to break up the crowd. (驱散)
  (3) Can you break up "inevitability" into proper syllables? (分解)
  (4) The two-hour meeting between the political leaders and the student demonstrators broke up in confusion. (解散、结束)

  (二)Pick up

  (5) Please pick up the parcel for the lady. (提起)
  (6) Janet hopes to pick up a foreign language. (学习)
  (7) The taxi-driver stopped to pick up a passenger. (运载)
  (8) In spite of acute regional competition, our economy is picking up. (有进展)
  (9) The old man has been ill for some time, but he is now picking up. (复元)

  (三)Make up

  (10) No one was interested in the story that the teacher had made up. (虚构)
  (11) Betty forgot to make up her shopping list. (编写,准备妥当)
  (12) Have you made up your mind on that matter? (决定)
  (13) Some students have to make up the lessons they have missed. (补修)
  (14) The two neighbous have made up their recent quarrel . (和解、和好)
  (15) "Wait a minute! I haven't made up my face yet, " said Laina. (化妆、打扮)

  (四)Turn out

  (16) Tree branches turn out, not bend in. (向外伸展)
  (17) Some factories have turned out new products. (生产)
  (18) He is a bully. Turn him out! (赶走)
  (19) Turn out your pockets to let me see how much money is left. (翻开)
  (20) All the students turned out to get a glimpse of the distinguished visitor. (到场)
  (21) The document turned out to be false. (证实)
  (22) Our universities have turned out many graduates. ( 培训)

  (五)Get round.

  (23) Joelle tried to get round her father to buy her a toy. (说服)
  (24) No one can get round paying his income tax. (躲过、回避)
  (25) Our technician will get the video tape recoder round to you soon. (送去)
  (26) I just don't have the time to get round to all the inquiry letters received. (用时间处理)


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