这里要谈及另外两种很重要的名词修饰语:一种是形容词短语( adjective phrases);另一种是形容词从句(adjective clauses)。
① in the corner, on the table, from China, of great ability等,如: The books on the table are mine.
② standing on the platform, seeing the danger, hearing the noise等,如: Standing on the platform, the speaker looked nervous.
③ taken by surprise, awakened by the noise, frightened out of his wits等,如: Awakened by the noise, the baby cried.
④ The man in the corner looks pale.
⑤ The flowers in the vase are fading.
⑥ I have met many visitors from China.
现在分词短语由现在分词引导而出,可以在主语名词前面(如例 ⑦)或后面(如例⑧),也可以在宾语后面(如例⑨):
⑦ Looking at the gigantic stranger, the small girl cried.
⑧ Jim, seeing the danger, hurried home.
⑨ Can you see the fish swimming in the pool?
⑩ Taken completely by surprise, the enemy gave in.
● Peter, frightened out of his wits, stood rooted to the spot.
● We were sorry to see the dog chained to the tree all day long.
上述三种形容词短语出现率很高,不可等闲视之 .
最后一种出现率高的名词修饰语,是众所周知的形容词从句。形容词从句由关系代词(the relative pronoun)“who, which, that, whose”等或关系副词(the relative adverb)“where, when, why”等引导而出现在被修饰的名词后头;这样的名词叫先行词(the antecedent)。例如:
● Dr Yang is a renowned scientist who specialises in physics.
● The book which deals with translation is Jason's masterpiece.
● Have you read the report on education that came out yesterday?
● David is the new director whose most urgent job is to reorganise the department.
● The writer whom you praised in your review felt greatly grateful for your admiration.
● This is the university where I studied 30 years ago.
● Gone are the days when people could live happily without the stresses and strains of a busy life.
● The reason why Harold suddenly resigned is not known.
● The host gave us such food as we could eat.