
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

在英语合成词中,有一种不是很普遍的,也较少人注意的,那就是叠声合成词(repetition compounds)。



   ● He pooh-poohed my idea.(轻视)
   ● It is a hush-hush report not to be made public.(秘密的)
   ● The boy said bye-bye to his parents.(再见)

   clank-clank(链子声), drip-drip(雨水声), tap-tap(打字机的声音), so so(马马虎虎), goody-goody(伪善的), fifty-fifty(各半的), pretty-pretty(打扮得很俗气的), thump-thump(砰然声), snip-snip(剪声)等。


   ● Electric networks criss-cross the whole island.(交叉往来)
   ● The government dilly-dallied over lengthening the retirement age.(犹疑不决)
   ● The blinds flip-flopped in the wind.(飘摇、摇曳)
   ● The drunkard zig-zagged along the road.(弯弯曲曲地走)
   ● Most women like knick-knacks.(小装饰品)
   ● Is it possible to get rid of the riff-raff of a society?(下等人)
   ● The graduating students had a pleasant sing-song in the garden.(歌唱会)
   ● Do you like wishy-washy soup?(淡而无味的)


   ● Barbarians in ancient times had to kow-tow to government officials.(叩头)
   ● Some people are not used to the hub-bub of the city. (喧嚣)
   ● I pity those who lead a humdrum life year in year out.(单调的)
   ● Willy-nilly, young people at the age of 18 must go for military training.(不管愿意或不愿意)
   ● Don't play hanky-panky with your friends.(阴谋诡计)
   ● When rain suddenly came, the pedestrians ran helter-skelter.(狼狈地)
   ● Tom and his friends used to hob-nob in the bar.(共饮、亲切地交谈)
   ● The defeated soldiers retreated pell-mell.(混乱地)
   ● The market in the morning is usually filled with hurly-burly.(喧闹)



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