
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06



  “We've sold few units of HDB flats in this area.”

  房地产经理到底是要用“few”还是“a few”呢?在这里,你看得出有无冠词怎样影响句子的意思了吧!如果还是不能,就请比较下面两个句子:

   We can give you few books.

   We can give you a few books.

  两者都表示“少”,但“few”是几乎没有,“a few”是“有一些”。


  ① a.Have you seen the children playing in front of the school bus?

   b.Have you seen the children playing in the front of the school bus?


  ② a.She insisted onkeeping house for him.

   b.She insisted on keeping the house for him.


  ③ a. In case of a traffic accident, send for the police.

   b. In the case of a traffic accident, recklessness is usually the main cause.


  ④ a. Out of question, Jason is the most prolific writer.

   b. Going to the meeting in pants? Out of the question!


  ⑤ a. Mike goes to school at 7.30 am.

   b. Her father went to the school yesterday.


  ⑥ a. Judy speaks Mandarin after a fashion.

   b. Tom is a man who runs after the fashion.


  ⑦ a. She looks crazy in a way.

   b. The chair is in the way.



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